Ireland - Breweries
Guinness Brewery
Click on a beer glass for more information

Additional Information
St. James's Gate Brewery is a brewery founded in 1759 in Dublin, Ireland, by Arthur Guinness.
Some of the Brewery's Range
Guinness -
Guinness Triple X -
Guinness Foreign Extra Stout (FES) -
Guinness Special Export -
Enigma Lager -
Harp Lager - First produced in 1960 as a bottled beer
Guinness Draught Bitter -
Guinness Red - Brewed in exactly the same way as Guinness except that the barley is only lightly roasted so that it produces a lighter, slightly fruitier red ale it was test-marketed in Britain in February 2007
Cashel's - A cider developed in association with Bulmers, lunched in 2000 and retired around 2011.
Kaliber - Launched in 1986 as an upmarket alternative to existing alcohol-free lager brands.
The Brewers Project
Inspired by authentic recipes, whose origins lie in the historic Guinness brewers diaries from the late 1700s and early 1800s.
Guinness Dublin Porter - Released September 2014.
Guinness West Indies Porter - Released September 2014.
Guinness Golden Ale - Released August 2015.
Hop House 13 Lager - Released in 2015
The Open Gate Brewery
An experimental brewery that enables Guinness brewers to explore new recipes, interpret old ones and experiment freely to bring exciting new beers to life.
Open Gate Citra IPA - Released March 2018
Open Gate Pilsner - Released March 2018
Over the years the brand identity is updated and re-launched with subtle changes, a change of Logo or a new font.
Sometimes this brand update is done by the new owners after a brewery has been sold, other times just to give the brand a fresh new look on the ever growing market.
Below are some notes to help identify some of these changes and an aid to reference the year of the glass.

Guinness Harp
Pre 1968
14 strings and a double wave on neck of harp.Guinness Font
(1963 Shown)

Guinness Harp
1969 to 1974

Guinness Harp
1974 to 1995

Guinness Harp
1995 to 1997
The ® symbol appeared below the harp around the late 90's

Guinness Harp
1997 to 2005

Guinness Extra
Cold Harp Logo
2000 to 2005Guinness Font
(Extra Cold)

Guinness Extra
Cold Harp Logo
2005 to 2006Guinness Font
(Extra Cold)

Guinness Harp
2005 to 2016Guinness Font

Guinness Harp
2016 to Date
(2016 Shown)Guinness Font

Harp Lager Logo
(1965 Shown)

Hop House 13 Logo
The Brewers Project
2015 to 2019
(2015 Shown)

Hop House 13 Logo
The Open Gate Brewery
2019 to Date
(2019 Shown)

A Guinness beer mat (W9 x H11.5cm) showing artwork from the
"My Goodness, My Guinness" series by artist John Gilroy.
Gilroy art brought to life various Guinness drinking campaigns from 1928 to the 1960s. The hapless zookeeper is a caricature of Gilroy himself, shown with unruly zoo animals. This beer mat came in a Bottle / Glass gift set in the 1990s

A Guinness beer mat (W9 x H11.5cm) showing artwork from the "Guinness For Strength" series by artist John Gilroy.
Gilroy art brought to life various Guinness drinking campaigns from 1928 to the 1960s.
This beer mat came in a Bottle / Glass gift set in the 1990s

A Guinness beer mat (W9 x H11.5cm) showing artwork from the
"Guinness-a-day" series by artist John Gilroy.
Gilroy art brought to life various Guinness drinking campaigns from 1928 to the 1960s. The most famous of all Gilroy Guinness art work is the toucan. This evolved from the zoo art work series into a stand alone icon for Guinness.
This beer mat came in a Bottle / Glass gift set in the 1990s

A Guinness beer mat (W9 x H11.5cm) showing artwork from the
"My Goodness, My Guinness" series by artist John Gilroy.
Gilroy art brought to life various Guinness drinking campaigns from 1928 to the 1960s. The hapless zookeeper is a caricature of Gilroy himself, shown with unruly zoo animals.
This beer mat came in a Bottle / Glass gift set in the 1990s

A Satzenbrau beer mat (W9 x H9cm)
showing a spot the difference competition to win 1 of 10,000 Satzenbrau glasses that ended in May 1980
Part of a collection given to me in September 2020.
(See Glass 001565B109)

A Guinness Extra Stout beer mat (W9.8 x H11.4cm)
showing a spot the difference competition that ended in September 1985. Part of a collection given to me in September 2020.

A Guinness Kaliber Alcohol free lager beer mat (W9 x H11cm).
Part of a collection given to me in September 2020.

A Guinness, worth waiting for perfect pint beer mat (W8.3 x H12.7cm).
From around the late 1990s
Part of a collection given to me in September 2020.

A Guinness beer mat (W11 x H11cm).
From around the early 1990s, with details to acquire gifts from the "Pure Genius" range of branded merchandise.
In the UK during the late 1980s and early 1990s, there was a series of darkly humorous adverts, featuring actor Rutger Hauer, with the theme Pure Genius.

A Guinness "Pure Genius" beer mat (W10.5 x H10.5cm).
From around the early 1990s.
Part of a collection given to me in September 2020.
In the UK during the late 1980s and early 1990s, there was a series of darkly humorous adverts, featuring actor Rutger Hauer, with the theme Pure Genius.

A Guinness Celebrate St Patrick's Day March 17th beer mat
(W11 x H11cm) from around the early 1990s.
Part of a collection given to me in September 2020.

A Guinness beer mat (W11 x H11cm).
Part of a collection given to me in September 2020.
(Circa 1980s)

A Guinness "Good Time for a Guinness" beer mat
(W9 x H9cm). Part of a collection given to me in September 2020.
(Circa 2017)

An Open Gate non-alcoholic lager beer mat (W9.3 x H9.3cm).
Part of a collection given to me in September 2020.
(Circa 2018)

A large "Tackle a Guinness Extra" beer mat (W11.8 x H17.5cm).
Part of a collection given to me in September 2020.
(Circa 1980s)

A large Guinness Triple X beer mat (W12.4 x H15.9cm).
From Vince Barney August 2021.
(Circa 1980s)

A Harp Lager beer mat (W9 x H9cm).
From Vince Barney August 2021.
(Circa 1980s)

A cooled Guinness beer mat with a maze on the rear (W9.5 x H9.5cm).
From Vince Barney August 2021.
(Circa 1980s)

A Guinness extra stout beer mat (W9.5 x H9.5cm).
From Vince Barney August 2021.
(Circa 1980s, mat is plain on the reverse side.)